Fujifilm Invests Additional $1.2 Billion to Expand its Large-Scale Cell Culture CDMO Business in North Carolina

FUJIFILM Corporation has chosen to invest $1.2 billion in its Large-Scale Cell Culture CDMO Business, with the aim of expanding the FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies facility in Holly Springs, North Carolina.  The expansion aims to support the needs of Biopharma customers and enhance the resilience of the supply chain, which aligns with its Partners for Life strategy.

Progress in research and development has driven growth in the pharmaceutical industry, leading to the creation of new medications and treatments involving cell cultures.

Cell Culture and Bioreactors

The term "cell culture" refers to laboratory procedures that facilitate the cultivation of eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells in a controlled environment. Bioreactors can be used for the large-scale cultivation of various cell types, including mammalian cell lines, which have important research, clinical and pharmaceutical applications.[1]

The cell culture has wide applications, including production of antibodies, vaccines and viral vectors. It is also used in studying tissue growth, virus biology, vaccine development, gene-health condition relationship, and large-scale hybrid cell line production.[2]

Fujifilm Expansion in North Carolina

The implementation of FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies' modular production model, KojoXTM, enables the company to expand its operations and construct one of the largest facilities in the United States. This expansion will accommodate new projects to meet customer demands and easily integrate drug manufacturing production. The facility is expected to add 8 x 20,000 liters mammalian cell culture bioreactors by 2028 and allow for future expansion.

By utilizing renewable landfill gas, onsite solar power, and a virtual power purchase agreement for 125,000 MWh of sustainable solar energy, the facility aims to completely offset its energy requirements.

Impact of the Investment

The Holly Springs, North Carolina facility will now have a total investment surpassing $3.2 billion. By 2031, the investment will create 680 more jobs, resulting in 1400 new, highly skilled local jobs in Holly Springs.

The expansion is projected to increase the North Carolina state economy by $4.7 Billion and has been granted a Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG) authorized by the state's Economic Investment Committee.


FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies strategically partners with biopharmaceutical and biotech firms to develop and manufacture innovative biologics, advanced therapies, and vaccines. With production sites in the US and Europe, we offer comprehensive support for clients to develop treatments that enhance patient health.



  1. O'Flaherty, R., et al., Mammalian cell culture for production of recombinant proteins: A review of the critical steps in their biomanufacturing. Biotechnol Adv, 2020. 43: p. 107552.
  2. Zhu, M.M., et al., Industrial Production of Therapeutic Proteins: Cell Lines, Cell Culture, and Purification. Handbook of Industrial Chemistry and Biotechnology. 2017 May 3:1639-69. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-52287-6_29.